I had to make a box to hold a switch we were installing on to the laser cutter that would turn the compressed air on and off. So it seemed a good idea to document the process which was really quick and easy. Below is a tutorial of creating a switch box
Arduino code Converting images into byte arrays for mono-colour screens with microcontrollers. Best suited for static splash screens or basic animation on small screen sizes when using the Adafruit_GFX library with Arduino. Workflow: Find the specifications of the...
I got to extend my skills by building some flyByWire artworks for an Art Festival in Queenstown. first test flight in basement studio Out line sketches with all 4 artworks Pulley wheel sketches showing how the roller blade wheels and bearings were re-purposed. This...
This project was started to address the unattractive back of the PC in the tech office that is one of the first sights to greet guests to the Design Facility. https://designtech.blogs.auckland.ac.nz/files/2021/11/Rear-LED-Computer-Display-.mp4 As well as making the...
Work in progress! This is a long term project of mine for my E-Bike a lighting system with headlight, taillight, indicators, alert system/horn/bell, and a control switch pad. Planned system overview The plan is to have everything powered from the 5V 2A USB connector...
This brief tutorial gives some tips for working with electronic circuits and covers some common issues beginners can have. Where do you want to start? What is electricity and why does it need a circuit The circular path, which is always required to get electricity to...