Here are the categories for our electronics stock or browse the entire list below:

    • Micro Processors
      Small computers that run and control your devices. The ‘brains’ of your project.
    • User Inputs
      Switches, dials, etc. Ways for people to interact physically with your project.
    • Connectors
      Wires and plugs.
    • Sensors
      Components that sense and detect specialised variables. These can range from light intensity, to moisture, heat, pressure, and sounds levels.
    • Switching Power
      Relays and amps.
    • Motors
      Motors, drivers, and driver boards.
    • Lights
      LEDs, etc.
    • Power
      Batteries, voltage adjusters and supply.
    • Displays
      Visual displays, monitors.
    • Communication
      components that enable Bluetooth, Wi Fi communication.
    • Sound
      Speakers, amps, samplers.
    • Cameras
    • Enclosure
      Physical housing/protection for the electronics.
    • Passive Components
      Resistors, capacitors, other little bits.

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    LEET Modular Synth

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