Liquid Deposition Modelling
Liquid Deposition Modeling (LDM) is an additive manufacturing process that uses liquid materials like clay, paper Mache, or concrete to print. If you can get your material to a consistency that can go through the extruder tube and hold its shape when its extruded then you are good to go!

Some Things to Think About
- Viscosity – Can it go through the extruder tube, out the nozzle, and still hold its shape on the bed
- Model Wall Thickness – You may need to adjust your models wall thickness to accommodate the weight of the layers being laid one after another otherwise your material may slump or cave in on itself
- Bed and Nozzle Speed – If the print bed is moving too fast it may jiggle your print causing unnecessary stress on the walls
Just be ready to try out lots of things!
Sending Us Your Prints
To use any of our 3D printers you MUST complete the online Canvas module.
If you want to use the LDM printer download the Cura profile here and prepare your print with the help of a Design Lab Technician.